Italian certified e-mail

Legalmail CEM for sending communications and documents securely and with full legal value

On Openapi you can activate, renew, extend your InfoCert Legalmail and Digital Domicile mailbox space

API Pricing

Price list for single request. Base price is intended for a simple request billed via wallet. Best price is the lowest price you can obtain based on the best subscription available. Free Tiers show how many requests per day, per month and per year are available for free.

/ Enpoints of non-free services
Scope Description Base Price
Best Price
Free Tiers
GET /domini_pec Domain check 0.005 0.005 -
Register a new certified mailbox -
standard 17.360 17.360
bronze 21.600 21.600
silver 33.600 33.600
gold 64.000 64.000
domiciliodigitale 4.500 4.500
pecmassiva 99.000 99.000
multiutenza 39.000 39.000
user multiutenza 3.900 3.900
POST /comunica_pec Communicate a certified e-mail 15.700 15.700 -
Documentation -
pers dominio interna 15.000 15.000
pers dominio esterna 17.000 17.000
Documentation -
spazio extra 11.600 11.600
storico extra 11.600 11.600
conservazione extra 16.800 16.800
standard to bronze 4.800 4.800
standard to silver 18.300 18.300
standard to gold 46.640 46.640
bronze to silver 13.500 13.500
bronze to gold 47.700 47.700
silver to gold 34.200 34.200
Free service endpoints
Scope Description Base Price
Best Price
Free Tiers
GET /verifica_pec Availability of a certified e-mail box 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
GET /pec List of your certified e-mail boxes 0.001 0.001 -
DELETE /pec Pec revocation 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
GET /dominio Documentation 0.001 0.001 -
DELETE /dominio Documentation 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
GET /comunica_pec List of your communications 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
PATCH /comunica_pec Upload the documents 0.001 0.001 1440/Day