All updated data on zip codes, municipalities, provinces, regions via API
Check and get real-time information on Italian zip codes, Istat codes and respective municipalities. Official source Poste Italiane.
The cadastral commune code (cod_fisco), also called Bellofiore code, consisting of 3 numbers and a letter is available in the response of the endpoint /communes_advance/{istat_code}.
Via the endpoint /comuni_soppressi it is possible to obtain the list of suppressed communes in a province.
The request parameter is the province abbreviation and the response also includes the following data:
- Istat code
- Municipality
- Fiscal Code
- Province Code
- Province
- Region
The request to the /regioni endpoint does not require any parameter.
The response returns the list of all Italian regions with the following information:
- Region Name
- Capital
- Surface area
- Number of residents
- Number of municipalities
- President
- Tax code
- VAT number
- Certified Email (CEM/PEC)
- Website
- Headquarter address
- Istat code
- Number of provinces
The request to the /citta-metropolitane endpoint does not require any parameter.
The response returns the list of all metropolitan cities and the following data:
- Name
- Capital city
- Surface area
- Density
- Number of municipalities
You can use 2 endpoints:
- GET /province
- GET /province/{code}
The request to the GET /province endpoint requires no parameters and returns the list of all Italian provinces with the following information
- Province abbreviation
- Province
- Surface area
- Number of Residents
- Number of municipalities
- Istat code
- Region
The request to the GET endpoint /province/{code} instead requires the province code as a parameter and returns the specific information on this:
- Province Code
- Province
- Surface area
- Number of Residents
- Number of municipalities
- Istat code
- Region
The service returns the response in real time.
The cost of a single request depends on the endpoint:
- Search Municipalities Basic € 0.04
- Search Municipality Advance € 0.05
- Search ZIP Codes € 0.04
For other endpoints they are free of charge up to a maximum threshold of 10.000 requests per month, then € 0.01 per request will be charged.
Yes, it is possible to activate an annual subscription, and thus save on the cost of a single call.
In the Subscription section of the specific API, you can see the available options (with their prices and savings percentage) and you can also activate the subscription of your choice.
In the Usage section, at the API level, you can monitor your free and subscription or top-up requests. They are available both graphically (period month and year) and with a textual summary.
The data are updated 3 times a year.
The main source is Poste Italiane. The data is enriched by additional reliable and certified sources.