Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations

Chamber of Commerce Company Registration of any Italian company in real time and without search costs

Obtain official documents from the Chamber of Commerce with always up-to-date data.

All the knowledge you need

Here you can find some advice to consider to approach this API. If you prefer, we provide code samples, OAS3 documentation, the ability to try the API live via the Swagger UI or import the entire collection into Postman. We also offer a Sandbox environment where you can experiment with all kinds of requests completely free of charge.

Useful tips to start with Chamber of Commerce Company Registrations

Get the token in the appropriate section before you start.

Use the the online tool or generate it via API. Set the expire date, a usefull name and now add a bunch of scopes to limit the possible actions your token can do.

Do you already know the VAT number or tax code?

Request a report on the subject you want using one of the available endpoints:
/ordinaria-impresa-individuale/storica-impresa-individuale/ordinaria-societa-capitale/storica-societa-capitale/ordinaria-societa-persone and  /storica-societa-persone.
The basic request is made with the minimum payload, for example: {"cf_piva_id": "12485671007"} but we recommend using the "callback" system to receive the report asynchronously. for example: {"cf_piva_id": "12485671007", "callback": {"url": "", "method": "JSON", "data": {"myData": "myValue"}}}
For each request, you will also receive an "id", in addition to the status information that will allow you to verify the status of your request. (note that polling is not recommended and the reading service is free within the limits indicated, we recommend using the callback instead)

Download the Report as soon as it is ready

When the request status becomes "Visura evasa", you can download the requested documents at the relevant endpoint, for example:
/ordinaria-impresa-individuale, but adding both the id you received and the string "/allegati" to the endpoint to which to send the GET request, for example:{ID_RICEVUTO_DALLA_RICHIESTA_POST}/allegati
The response will contain a "file" property containing a zip archive in base64 format with the requested documents inside.

Looking for a visura but don't know the VAT number?

If you need to search for millions of companies quickly, we suggest you use /impresa. With this, you can refine the results by georeferencing the request. It allows you to filter by:
  • Company name
  • Province
  • ATECO code
  • CCIAA code
  • REA code
  • Annual turnover
  • Employees
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Radius
Each result contains a unique "id" for the company, the name, the municipality, the legal nature and the list of available visure.
With the obtained id, you can request the visura directly using it instead of the VAT number.