
The API has been replaced by the new endpoints available in Company

To access all the data, information on the activity, shareholders and economic data of an Italian company, discover the new services of Company.

Deprecated starting from 2025-12-31

API Pricing

Price list for single request. Base price is intended for a simple request billed via wallet. Best price is the lowest price you can obtain based on the best subscription available. Free Tiers show how many requests per day, per month and per year are available for free.

/ Enpoints of non-free services
Scope Description Base Price
Best Price
Free Tiers
GET /autocomplete Search by name 0.001 0.001 1000/Day
GET /gruppoiva Membership of a VAT group 0.020 0.020 10/Day
Advanced search and data 30/Month
advance 0.100 0.030 (-70.00%)
nominativo 0.020 0.020
GET /closed Cessation of activity 0.020 0.020 30/Month
GET /pec Certified e-mail 0.030 0.015 (-50.00%) 30/Month
GET /soci Shareholders of a company 0.030 0.030 30/Month
GET /codice_destinatario SDI code of a company 0.030 0.030 -
GET /base Basic data 0.050 0.015 (-70.00%) 30/Month
Free service endpoints
Scope Description Base Price
Best Price
Free Tiers
GET /forma_giuridica All legal forms 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
GET /updates A list of updated companies 0.001 0.001 1440/Day
GET /pec_domain Documentation 0.001 0.001 1440/Day