Exchange Rate

Check foreign currency exchange rates worldwide

Get the exchange rate of over 160 currencies in real time

The request to the Exchange Rate API does not need any parameters, you simply make a request to the GET endpoint

Exchange Rate returns the exchange rate of over 170 currencies in real time.

The calculation is based on the value of the US dollar and the data is sourced from the leading Foreign Exchange data providers. The values are validated, processed and made available with updates from 1 to a maximum of 60 minutes.

The cost of the request is 0.02€.
Please note that the first 5 requests per day are free of charge.

The service returns the response in real time.

Yes, you can make up to 5 free requests per day.
Above that limit, the cost per request is €0.02.

In the Usage section, at the API level, you can monitor your free and top-up requests. They are available both graphically (period month and year) and with a textual summary.